Epson Printer Troubleshooting Steps for Printer Not Working Issue

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baroncorrz   Image Posted Jan.9th, 2021, viewed 603 times

Epson Printer Troubleshooting Steps for Printer Not Working Issue

Printing can be very frustrating sometimes especially when your printer stops working in between an important task. Who wants to get late with the work just because of some printer issue but what choice you have except trying to fix your printer on your own. Don’t be sad like that, we have mentioned the Epson Printer Troubleshooting steps to fix an Epson printer that won’t print. You do have a choice, get in trouble or troubleshoot.
1. First of all, make sure that you are using the right size of paper to print from your Epson printer.
2. Most of the printer issues are temporary glitches that you can fix simply by unplugging the printer’s power cord from the electrical board and reconnecting it after a minute or two.
3. Switch off your printer and run print alignment.
4. Verify that there are no paper jams in the printer by opening its lid.
5. Locate the printer sensors that control the feeding and pulling out of paper and clean them. You can find them somewhere near the front cover of the ink cartridges.
6. Check the paper rollers for dust and clean them. Doing this will eliminate overheating issues or prevent any internet damages to the printer.
7. If you are using a Wireless printer then check if the network connection is stable or not.
If after all this, your Epson printer is not printing, then contact Epson Printer Support for remote assistance.

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