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Posted Mar.26th, 2021, viewed 802 times
How to prepare for CCNA test: these are the best tips for success
Are you in exam time? Studying for CCNA tests can be difficult and sometimes we don't even know where to start. But there are strategies to improve your memory, concentration levels and even your mood. We gathered a wealth of research from neuroscientists, psychologists and nutritionists, as well as wise recommendations from university professors, teachers and students, and we've come up with some top tips. There's a lot you can do to study more effectively, learn study techniques that work and stay positive. These tips will help you stay cognitively fit and improve your learning.
1. Breakfast and brain foods
Our bodies need energy to function properly, and the brain's ability to focus comes from an adequate and steady supply of energy in the form of glucose. Research shows that students who eat breakfast do better on
CCNA test because they find it easier to concentrate and remember information.
So be sure to start your day with carbohydrates that will release energy slowly throughout the morning such as whole grain bread or low-sugar cereals like oatmeal.
You will also need to increase your protein intake with milk, yogurt or eggs.
For other meals you can choose other proven brain boosters such as eggs, fatty fish like mackerel, sardines and salmon (rich in omega-3 fats), whole grains, kale, Swiss chard, spinach, broccoli (all dark green leafy plants, really), tomatoes and avocados.
And don't underestimate the power of a timely snack!
Foods full of antioxidants and anthocyanins (pigments that give red, purple or blue color to leaves, flowers and fruits) can help improve short-term memory and mood.
These are blueberries, strawberries, walnuts, olives, pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate.
2. Start earlier
Start studying well before the test date. This will help you feel calmer and less likely to end up overwhelmed.
Also, try to study in the morning, when your brain is rested and fresh. Avoid leaving most of your review for the afternoon, when there is a chance you will be more tired.
It would be best if you establish a routine with your studying: aim to start and finish studying at approximately the same time each day.
3. Establish what you need to focus on
Different types of CCNA exams require different approaches: find out the format of your exam and you will know how much of the syllabus you need to review. For
CCNA 200-901 exam, you may not need to cover all subjects, so it may be more effective to focus on some content and study it in greater depth. Whereas a multiple-choice or short-answer exam will require a broader, but less detailed, understanding of the syllabus.
4. Plan
It may seem like a lot of work, but making a study plan will actually save you time (you won't waste a minute deciding what to review day by day) and will help you keep track of your progress.
Make as detailed a schedule as possible, including relevant documents or notes to review, and stick to it.
And don't forget to allow time for socializing, exercise and any other breaks.
5. Space can be your best ally
Spread out your study sessions and don't even think about getting overwhelmed: it's much better to have one-hour study sessions for 10 days than to study a subject for 10 hours in one day.
It takes time to memorize information, but the spacing technique was shown to be the most effective because the time between study sessions causes the content to be forgotten and then relearned.
This strategy was called "one of the most robust in the entire history of experimental research on learning and memory."
But keep in mind that what works well for one test may not be the best method for another.
Other techniques include using flash cards, creating mind maps, group work, or even recording yourself speaking and playing it back.
That's why it's good to start early, as it gives you time to try what works best for you.
But don't spend time and money on cute highlighters, research suggests they won't do much to make you learn more and better.
6. Self-assess
According to psychologists and neuroscientists, "self-assessing" may be one of the most effective ways to improve your ability to remember information.
The technique also helps you understand a concept and not just memorize it.
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