How to Quickly Remove Black Mold Stains on the Bath Towel?

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towels   Image Posted Nov.3rd, 2021, viewed 7679 times

How to Quickly Remove Black Mold Stains on the Bath Towel?

The bath ritual serves for several moments, especially at the beginning of the day, to give that energy and stay awake, after an exercise to recover the tiredness of the body and before going to bed relaxed. Now, on all these occasions, getting out of the shower might not be so good if your bath towel has a bad smell or mildew stains.

Care to avoid or remove these problems can be simple. See below!

What Care Do You Need to Take with Mold?

Before you even find out how to remove mold from the bath towel, how about adopting some measures and practices so that your towel does not go through these problems? The first tip is basic: don't leave the wet or damp towel folded in any way. As soon as you finish drying yourself, leave it laid out in a place with good ventilation and, if possible, light. Moisture and heat are my favorite foods for mold. Avoid.

Do you like the smell of fabric softener? Well then, be careful about overuse. One must know how to wash the bath towel. Due to the type of fabric, some particles of fabric softeners can remain in the garment and maintain a kind of layer that prevents water from properly cleaning the towel. One way to give it softness without using a fabric softener is to do a final wash with vinegar without soap.

If you want a special scent, you can use essential oils. A drop dissolved in waterworks.

How to Remove Mold from the Bath Towel?

Mold on the towel causes two main problems: the smell and the stains. Let's get started by discovering easy, homemade ways to get mold off your bath towel.

Use Vinegar

• Always wash the bath towel separately from other pieces;
• Put enough hot water in the machine or in a bucket to cover the towel;
• Add a cup of white vinegar to each towel;
• Leave the mixture to rest for about 20 minutes, preferably in the sun;
• Afterwards, wash the towel normally, without adding soap or fabric softener;
• At the end, do a second wash, now using the soap of your choice.

Vinegar + Sodium Bicarbonate

• Wash the bath towel separately from other pieces;
• Put enough hot water in the machine or in a bucket to cover the towel;
• Add half a cup of baking soda to each towel;
• Let the mixture rest for 20 minutes (preferably in the sun);
• After this time, add a glass of white vinegar and let it act for another 20 minutes;
• At the end, do a normal wash with the soap of your choice.

Ending the Bad Smell

In addition to stains, mold can generate a bad smell that is present on the towel even after washing. For this, there is also a homemade recipe that is easy to make. Come on!

Place the towel inside the machine and cover with hot water;
Add a cup of white vinegar and start the wash cycle, preferably in a way that has a good soaking time, around 30 minutes;
When rinsing, add another cup of vinegar.
In the end, lay in the sun right away and let it dry completely.

The Pleasure of Bathing

All these precautions with your towel will ensure that each bathing experience is comfortable and pleasurable, in addition to not harming your health.

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