Benton-Burke   Album Posted Aug.29th, 2022, viewed 52 times

Body language speaks volumes. Here are 10 tips to help you make a great impression with your body language in your Macy's job interview.

Make eye contact.

Eye contact is important in any conversation, but it's especially important in an interview. Making eye contact shows that you're interested in what the other person has to say and that you're paying attention. It also makes you seem more trustworthy and confident.


Smiling makes you seem friendly and approachable. It's a great way to put the other person at ease and make them feel comfortable talking to you.

Sit up straight.

Slouching makes you look uninterested and disinterested. Sitting up straight shows that you're engaged in the conversation and that you're taking the Macy's interview seriously.

Don't fidget.

Fidgeting makes you look nervous and uncomfortable. It's important to stay still and keep your hands clasped in front of you or resting on the table to show that you're calm and collected.

Lean in slightly.

Leaning in shows that you're interested in what the other person has to say. It's also a way to show that you're confident and not afraid to get closer to the person you're talking to.(Complete Interview Guide)

Mirror the other person's body language.

Mirroring the other person's body language is a way to build rapport and make them feel comfortable with you. If they lean in, you lean in. If they cross their arms, you cross your arms. Following their lead will make them feel like you're on the same wavelength as them.

Keep your hands visible.

Keeping your hands visible is a way to show that you're not hiding anything and that you're open and honest. It also helps to prevent any fidgeting or nervous movements that might make you look uncomfortable.

Use open body language.

Open body language shows that you're confident and approachable. Avoid crossing your arms or legs, which can make you seem closed off or uninterested. Instead, try to keep your body facing the other person and take up space with your posture.

Be aware of your facial expressions.

Your facial expressions can say a lot about how you're feeling. Make sure to keep a neutral expression most of the time, avoiding any looks that could be interpreted as angry, sad, or bored. Smiling is always a good option, especially when you first meet someone or when the conversation lulls.

Make sure your clothing is professional and appropriate.

Your clothing choices send a message about how seriously you're taking the interview and how professional you are. Make sure to dress neatly and avoid any revealing or casual clothes. You want to make sure that the focus is on your qualifications and not on your appearance.

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