seobeast09   Album Posted Dec.25th, 2022, viewed 83 times

Lucky "Chance" Takes Top Dog Title

As the top dog of top dog shows was announced last Sunday, we can be fairly sure that the owners of Caitland Isle Take a Chance were not "taking a chance" on dog pet insurance. While we enjoyed watching the most pampered pooches in the Kingdom
strut their stuff, we can also be sure that they are all likely to be fully covered. Yet, whether your pet is a champion.

pedigree, or a Heinz 57 mongrel, being prepared for sickness, accident or loss should be top priority. From exotic pet insurance & Cheapest pet insurance, getting your furry companion insured must be important no matter what the circumstances.

Most dog owners, whatever the breed or pedigree of their pet, can not have failed to be aware that the most prestigious dog
show of all, Crufts, was taking place at Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre last weekend. This event has been running
for 115 years and each year draws the crowds. Watching the show on television, it is quite obvious that the dogs love it
just as much as the owners.

The Australian Shepherd's owner, Ms Nancy Resetar from California, USA, was "overwhelmed" when the five year old dog, whose pet name is "Chance", won Best in Show at Crufts, and his handler, Larry Fenner, was "overjoyed" and "speechless". In
reserve was the wire haired Fox Terrier El-Rays Snowtaire Iceni Payback, whose owner comes from Swansea.

The seven categories specified by the Kennel Club, who organise and run the Crufts events, are gundogs, hounds, pastoral,
terriers, toys, utility and working dogs. Chance and Payback had each won best in their group of pastoral and terriers

Other winners of each group were a Welsh Springer Spaniel, Ferndel Maverick Spaniel (Gundogs), a Norwegian Elkhound, Kestos I Spy at Graythor (Hounds), a Pomeranian, Finch's Ovations for Me (Toys), a Miniature Poodle, Minavers Secret Assignment (Utility) and a Bouvier des Flandres, Gijs Santos from the Dogs Farm (Working).

The first Crufts show was in 1891 at the Royal Agricultural Hall in Islington, and it was founded by Charles Cruft, who ran
the show until his death in 1938. Cruft had had no desire to join the family jewellery trade, and he became a salesman for a
brand of 'dog cakes'. His job took him to Europe, and it was in Paris that he was asked to organise the canine section of
the Paris Exhibition. In England he set up the Annual Terrier Club Show in Westminster and it was soon after this that.

Crufts officially began. After his death, his widow handed over the responsibility to the Kennel Club in 1942 and it has
increased in popularity year by year since the first show under the Kennel Club in 1948. It was in 1991 that the show moved
from its London home to the Birmingham NEC. This year, over 22,200 dogs took part, and owners come to the UK from 32
countries to show their dogs here.

Breed showing is the main part of the show, but there are plenty of other fun and exciting events that now are part of the Crufts experience. Events include Agility, Flyball and Obedience, but there are many more events - and the dogs love the team games. The atmosphere is exciting and exhilarating and for a four-day event, it is packed full of things to do, not forgetting the hundreds of trade stalls with every possible doggy need catered for.

Yet Crufts is for the privileged few. There are 1.6 million mongrels in Britain alone, and none of them could be considered
for showing at Crufts, which is the show for pedigrees. However, that does not mean that you cannot show your dog; the
Kennel Club also organise one of the most popular crossbreed competitions in the country: Scruffts. Heats take place
throughout the year and winners from each heat are invited to a Grand Final. Dogs have a chance to win in four classes,
including Most Handsome Dog, Prettiest Bitch, and Golden Oldie.

It also does not mean that you don't need pet insurance. Vets' bills can be huge, but insurance costs do not have to be. luckysanto The vast majority of dog owners would say that they love their dogs, whether they are a pedigree, cross-breed, mongrel, stray, rescue dog or just plain mutt.

All dogs make faithful and friendly companions, so we should return what they give to us by giving them the best life possible. Most owners would be heartbroken if they were unable to afford a life-saving operation for their pet, so insuring your dog is a must for all - not just for champion owners.

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