SSG Landers swept away his surprised chest

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sportstotohotcom13   Image Posted Apr.18th, 2024, viewed 59 times

SSG Landers swept away his surprised chest

"We conducted additional checkups at two hospitals this morning and afternoon for Choi Jeong's accurate check-up," the SSG club said. "As a result of the check-up, both of them were found to be simple bruises on the left rib." Immediately after Choi Jeong-eun, who was hit in the side by a fastball of 150 kilometers per hour by foreign pitcher Will Crow in the match against KIA in Incheon the previous day, was diagnosed with micro-damage of his rib. It was expected that he would leave the club for about a month, but the results of the check-up changed in a day.

Simple batting is good news. If Choi Jong-un, who had 467 homers through Friday, is added to lead the KBO League with the largest number of homers in history. There were concerns that Choi might be out of the team for a long time ahead of a monumental step in the footsteps of the team, but simple batting is expected to shorten the gap considerably. Internally, there is an atmosphere that feels "absurd" as the results of the first round of checkups have changed. SSG even planned to call up Choi Jun-woo in preparation for the situation where Choi Jeong will be excluded from the first team entry.

More than anything else, Crow sent Choi Jeong off with a pitch that hit the ball to the ground, which drew immense criticism from fans. Some unknowingly even went to social media to curse. However, simple bruising is a totally different thing to say. "We had to tell you the truth because we found a microfracture yesterday," a source from SSG declined to comment. SSG conducted cross-checking at two hospitals in Seoul to catch the misdiagnosis just in case.

However, it is questionable whether Choi will play or not. "We will not be able to participate until the pain relieves for the time being, and we will continue to check our physical conditions before deciding whether to play in the future," SSG said.

BY: 토토사이트

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