DS110 Foundations of Drawing for the Beginner
Diane Cardaci
8 weeks
No credits
The basics of drawing for those with no experience
Students will be encouraged to keep a sketchbook as well as doing drawing exercises.
Photos will be provided for the exercises, but students will also be asked to find similar objects in their own home environment.
Lesson 1
- Use of tools: pencils, erasers, paper, etc.
- How to hold the pencil
- Practice drawing lines
- Drawing exercise #1: Working with lines, angles and proportion (drawing lines in a box)
- Drawing exercise #2: Creating a simple line drawing using a grid
Lesson 2
- How to measure using your pencil
- How to see angles with your pencil
- How to make and use a plumb line
- Drawing exercise #1: Draw an outline of a pear
- Drawing exercise #2: Draw an outline of one small and one large fruit
Lesson 3
- Basic shapes-simplifying an object into a few basic shapes (ex. tree, flower, bunch of grapes
- Drawing exercise #1: Basic shapes of a still life
- Drawing exercise #2: Basic shapes of still life (drawing 1) with additional detail shapes
Lesson 4
- "Enveloping" - using angular lines to block in a form
- Drawing exercise #1: Blocking in practice of single objects
- Drawing exercise #2: Blocking in a still life
Lesson 5
- Negative and Positive shapes
- Drawing exercise #1: Finding negative shapes in simple objects (ex. cup handle)
- Drawing exercise #2: Finding negative shapes in between objects Page 2
Lesson 6
- Drawing circles in perspective
- Drawing exercise #1: Draw cup from 3 different perspectives
- Drawing exercise #2: Draw a vase with 2 flowers
Lesson 7
- Pulling it all together, using skills developed in previous lessons
- Drawing exercise: Complex still life, from blocking in to creating a refined line drawing
Lesson 8: Looking Forward
- Learning to vary the line weight
- Introduction to simple shadow patterns
- Drawing exercise: Transfer the drawing done in Lesson 7 to a new piece of paper, using varied line weight, and simple shadow patterns
None at this time. Check back soon!