Mike Sibley   Comment Posted Mar.29th, 2009, viewed 2496 times

Hi Marie,

You've produced some good smooth shading and blending. It looks good.

Remember you can always apply graphite again after you've blended, so you could have boosted the shadow beneath the eaves after you'd blended the wall.

Also, be aware of edges. Keeping an edge sharp often matters. if an edge that eye expects to see as being sharp is soft instead, it throws a spanner in the works and can wreck the reality of a drawing.

We know this is a house, so the eye expects every edge to be hard and sharp. This is particularly true where changes of angle and contrast occur, such as the edges I've marked on the suggestion. Just something to bear in mind in future.

I appreciate that blending will soften all edges but you can apply graphite along them after blending to sharpen them again.

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