DT102 Perspective and Proportion
Tannis Trydal
7 weeks
This course is based on accessing all four Natural Gifts, Horizontal and Vertical comparison, size comparison, light and shade comparison and space comparison. Study of unit 1 and unit 3 of the Draw and Paint in Your Pyjamas art course, is highly recommended prior to beginning this course if you are an absolute beginner to drawing. Some drawing experience is necessary to complete this course. Step-by-step procedures are provided with coloured lines which easily enable you to create these images. With practice you will soon be able to draw many things in freehand perspective from memory. These drawings form the foundations of many other objects and can easily be adapted to a huge variety of subject matter. The subject matter is carefully selected to help you learn many things at once.
- Level of Instruction: intermediate (or prior study of the unit 1 and unit 3 ‘Draw and Paint in Your Pyjamas full certificate course.)
- Course Length: 7 weeks (studying from 2 to 4 hours per week)
- Medium: Graphite pencil on quality drawing paper
- Drawing subjects: Various subjects including nature and man-made objects
View the course outline (PDF)
On completion of this course you will receive a grade for your final project piece. The grade is awarded based upon the your ability to fulfil the grading criteria set out at the beginning of the course.
Certificate of Completion
This course is the first in a series of six units that form a complete course in the fundamental principles of art for the beginner.
Every student who completes all six courses will be awarded a Certificate Of Completion. The Certificate will contain Cindy Wider's original signature along with your instructors signature and will be sent by post to students anywhere in the world free of charge.
The Certificate Of Completion will be accompanied by a list of the subjects studied by the student with the grade achieved for each area of study included alongside.