MO103 Working With Your Creative Muse
Judith Campanaro
5 weeks
This is a five week course filled with creative activities to help release your creative muse. If you've ever had the desire to do art but think you have no talent this class is for you. If you already do art but feel blocked in some way this class is for you. No experience is neccessary just the deisre to have fun and explore. The assignments were inspired by my new e-book "An Adventure into Self Discovery a Workbook for Self Expression." As a special gift to you for joining our group you will receive a free copy of this new e-book hot off the press and published by our very own Drawspace forum.
Level of Instruction: Beginner
Course Length: 5 weeks
Medium: mixed media
Class Size: 10 maximum
For this course I've used excerpts from my new e-book An Adventure in Self Discovery-A Workbook for Self Expression. In each class we'll discuss different aspects of life's journey. There is no right or wrong way to do the exercises. The key is to have fun while you do the assignments and the rest will happen on its own.
Week One
- Can I Trust Myself?
- Creating my Special Place and a Time for Me
- Exercise - a Picasso Portrait of Me
- Creating my Personal Journal
Week Two
- The Power of Words
- An Exercise in Reframing
- Choose a Word
- Questions for My Journal
Week Three
- Listen to Your Heart
- My Treasure Chest
- Autobiographical Poem
- Journal, Journal, Journal
Week Four
- Loving Myself
- Creating a Mask
- And We Journal Some More
Week Five
- Belief and Feelings
- Self Portrait Mural
- Stressbuster Exercise
- The Gratitude Dance
- Gather together whatever you have on hand. Examples - glue, markers, pencils, scissors, tape, and a box that you fill with found items like buttons, scraps of lace, stickers etc. etc.
- Rigid Wrap
- A box or heart shaped container
- Computer and scanner to e-mail copies of your work if you choose to share your assignments
I'm looking forward to working with you.
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