PT107 Introduction to Watercolor
Judith Campanaro
5 weeks
This is a great class for beginners to get to know the medium of watercolor. In this class we're not going to paint in a special way, or with traditional techniques. The intent is to present ideas you have not tried before. It concentrates on sharing ideas through projects and lessons thus guiding the student in creating their own unique way of using the medium. The class will show you what is possible then you will develop your own exciting way to think about painting.
I have heard it said that watercolor is the most difficult medium. I don't believe that and I ask that you don't either. I think the challenge is to become friends with the tools. A French proverb says that a craftsman is only as good as his tools. As you work with your paints and brushes, get to know them, talk to them, feel them, and meditate on their qualities and colors, you will create your own unique way of using the medium.
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